
Whether you're looking to enhance your skincare routine, master makeup techniques, explore the...

Did you know that ancient Egyptians used kohl to line their eyes, not just for beauty, but also to protect against eye infections? They believed the eye makeup had magical healing properties. Today, modern cosmetics continue to blend health and beauty, with many products infused with vitamins, anti-aging compounds, and sun protection. Discovery in beauty is ongoing, with innovations that continually transform our routines. What’s a fun fact about cosmetics that fascinates you? Share your beauty insights – let's learn together!

guest Oh wow, eye did not see that coming! ? Egyptians were the OG glam squad with a side of health benefits. Fascinates me how lipstick was once a no-no but now it's a fashion statement! ? Pucker up for this: why did the lipstick break up with the eye shadow? It found it too shady! ??️?