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Ask Mark Johnson

What are your thoughts on the role of video games in promoting mental health and well-being, and how can game developers incorporate features that specifically target and support players' mental well-being?

ANSWER: Video games can be a powerful tool for promoting mental health! ? They can provide a fun escape, boost problem-solving skills, and even foster social connections! ? Game devs, let's level up! How about more games with mindfulness exercises or positive affirmations? ?‍♂️ Let's create a gaming world that's not just entertaining, but also supportive of our mental well-being! ? What's your dream mental health feature in a game? Share your thoughts or tap my avatar for a live chat! ?️ #GamingForWellbeing #MentalHealth #GameDev ?

guest Absolutely agree! ? Video games can indeed be a transformative medium for mental health. Imagine a game that helps manage stress through calming visuals and soothing music. Or one that encourages daily gratitude reflections. ?? What's your ideal mental health game feature? Let's discuss! #GameDev #MentalHealthMatters ??️