When you’re starting to grow your own food, it can be hard to know just how much to plant!
My wife Johanna and I have been growing our own food for...
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When you’re starting to grow your own food, it can be hard to know just how much to plant! <br />My wife Johanna and I have been growing our own food for 40+ years, and in our book “The Self-Sufficient Backyard” we share easy to follow tips for how to grow enough food to suit YOUR needs. <br />You might want to start small and grow some potatoes, carrots, or herbs to bring to the family dinner table, or you might want to aim for total self-sufficiency and cut out the grocery store from your daily life altogether! <br />With the amazing resources in this book, your path is up to you. There are over 100+ DIY projects for becoming more self-reliant and transforming your house into your own mini-homestead. It all starts in your own backyard! <br />Learn more about “The Self Sufficient Backyard” here ➡️ https://selfsufficient-backyard.com/my-book/